Doppler Ultrason ve Fetal Ekokardiyografi Eğitimi, Berlin, ALMANYA. “Doppler Sonograhy ve Fetal Echocardiography” (Omer Kilavuz, Praxis für Pränatalmedizin, Mehringplatz 13, 10969, Berlin) 25 Mayıs – 09 Haziran 2007, BERLIN, GERMANY
Tüp Bebek ve Üreme Sağlığında Yeni Klinik, Laboratuvar ve Cerrahi Teknikler Eğitimi, Gent, BELÇİKA. Clinical Visit for “New Clinical and Laboratory aspects of Artificial Reproductive Techniques and Reproductive Surgery” 01 – 15 May, 2016, IVF Center, Jan Palfjin Hospital, GENT, BELGIUM
Tüp Bebek Tedavisinde Modern Yaklaşımlar Kursu, Roma, ITALYA. Training Course on “Modern Trends in IVF”, Ferty School – Training and Development, GENERA Center for Reproductive Meedicine, 6-7 June, 2016, ROME, ITALY.